

BERLIN tamtamART is an association for the advancement of Taiwanese Contemporary Art in Germany ( TAMTAM 8
Kunstraum ) and also an open space dedicated to arts and culture, located at Friedrichshain on the east side
of Berlin, where used to be East Germany and now has transformed into a neighborhood of young people and
non-profit galleries. At tamtamART, we hope not only to create free, open, and diversified conversations, but
also to develop a cross-culture and cross-field exchanging art center. The tamtamART group are from different
fields including visual arts, music, photography, theater, art history, and cultural studies. We intend to build
up new thoughts and concepts and to form a unique style of tamtamART through conversations with local
audiences in Berlin and artists and curators from other parts of the world.


           BERLIN tamtamART Group
2009 傅雅雯YA-WEN FU is a media artist based in Germany and Taiwan and has her Meisterschüler and
Diplom in Media Arts from the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig Germany. and her Bachelor Fine Arts
is from the National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan. She is a Media Art artist and having
curatorial experiences, she has joined tamtamART art association as a director since 2009.

2009 洪韵婷YUN-TING HUNG born in Taiwan, works and lives in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. She received her
degree MFA in 2016 after completing postgraduate studies at National Taiwan University of Arts,
followed by the Meisterstudium at Kunsthochschule fuer Bildenden Kuenste in Dresden, supervised
by Prof. Eberhard Bosslet. Currently she works as an associate professor at the Department of Fine
Arts at Chang Jung Christian University in Tainan. In both art-making and curatorial practice, she
has recently focused on current social and cultural characteristics such as speed, mobility and
non-place in daily life.




Weichsel Straße 8, 10247 Berlin- Friedrichshain, Germany
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